THE TRUTH makes movies for your ears. They're short stories that are sometimes dark, sometimes funny, and always intriguing. Every story is different, but they all take you to unexpected places using only sound. If you're new, some good starting places are: Silvia's Blood, That's Democracy, Moon Graffiti, Tape Delay, or whatever's most recent. Listening with headphones is encouraged!
We're a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.
THE TRUTH makes movies for your ears. They're short stories that are sometimes dark, sometimes funny, and always intriguing. Every story is different, but they all take you to unexpected places using only sound. If you're new, some good starting places are: Silvia's Blood, That's Democracy, Moon Graffiti, Tape Delay, or whatever's most recent. Listening with headphones is encouraged!
We're a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.
A (fictional) Director's Commentary from the (fictional) short film that inspired the (fictional) big budget feature romantic comedy "Then I Saw Her Face". Performed by Birgit Huppuch, with Maurice Jones and Libby Woodbridge. Written by Chris Kipiniak and Louis Kornfeld, and produced by Jonathan Mitchell.