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You Get A Podcast!

You Get a Podcast!

Look under your seat… it’s a new show!

We’re taking you back to weekdays at 4pm with Kellie Carter Jackson and Leah Wright Riguer, two historians, best friends, and Oprah obsessives. Now, it’s time to pour through the archives to relive and rehash the most iconic episodes from the decades-long run of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

From book club controversies to diet fads and wars with the meat industry, conversations about police brutality and sexuality… and of course big giveaways… YGAP! will treat Oprah as the historical, social, and political force that she is — and have have lots of fun.

As Kellie, Leah and their guests recap each show, they’ll put the show in critical context, and ultimately explain why Oprah will always be the Queen of Talk.

Copyright You Get a Podcast 2023

Look under your seat… it’s a new show!

We’re taking you back to weekdays at 4pm with Kellie Carter Jackson and Leah Wright Riguer, two historians, best friends, and Oprah obsessives. Now, it’s time to pour through the archives to relive and rehash the most iconic episodes from the decades-long run of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

From book club controversies to diet fads and wars with the meat industry, conversations about police brutality and sexuality… and of course big giveaways… YGAP! will treat Oprah as the historical, social, and political force that she is — and have have lots of fun.

As Kellie, Leah and their guests recap each show, they’ll put the show in critical context, and ultimately explain why Oprah will always be the Queen of Talk.

Copyright You Get a Podcast 2023
16hr 28min
Thumbnail for "Oprah and The Donald w/ Christina Greer".
What kind of platform did Oprah give Donald Trump?
Thumbnail for "Oprah and Fashion! w/ Avery Trufelman".
Oprah, style icon and mogul
Thumbnail for "Oprah, Video Vixens and "Stupid Girls" w/ Elizabeth Hinton and Saida Grundy".
A conversation about depiction of women in the early 2000s
Thumbnail for "Oprah Runs A Marathon w/ Natalia Petrzela".
Oprah's race to fitness
Thumbnail for "Oprah and Gayle: Road Trip! w/ Brittany Luse".
An epic roadtrip for an epic friendship
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Oprah's love/hate -- or hate/love relationship with hip-hop
Thumbnail for "Oprah Confronts Racism In Forsyth, GA w/ Carol Anderson".
Oprah brings her show to a town torn apart by racial violence
Thumbnail for "Oprah Evolves Past Phil, Jerry, Sally, Geraldo And More".
How Oprah moved from 1.0 to 2.0
Thumbnail for "Teaser! Season Two".
A taste of what's to come this season
Thumbnail for "An Update from You Get A Podcast!".
A statement from Kellie
Thumbnail for "Oprah, Actress w/ Wesley Morris".
Is Oprah a good actress?
Thumbnail for "Oprah and Beyonce w/ Treva Lindsey".
How two icons forged a relationship
Thumbnail for "Oprah and the "Debt Diet" w/ Mehrsa Baradaran".
Oprah brings tough love to out-of-control spending
Thumbnail for "Oprah Gets Duped by James Frey w/ Glory Edim".
Oprah confronts an author who lied about his memoir
Thumbnail for "Special: The Oprah-Oz Conundrum".
What to make of Dr. Oz and Oprah
Thumbnail for "Oprah's Long-Lost Half-Sister w/ Kendra Field".
An episode about family secrets and much more
Thumbnail for "Oprah Meets Sarah Palin w/ Nicole Hemmer".
Sarah Palin tries to take a turn with an appearance on Oprah in 2009
Thumbnail for "Oprah's 50th Birthday Bash w/ Roy Wood Jr.".
No one throws a surprise birthday like Oprah
Thumbnail for "Oprah And Tyler Perry (And Madea Too) w/ Carvell Wallace".
Tyler, Oprah, and Madea -- it gets messy
Thumbnail for "Emergency Podcast: Oprah and Viola".
Reacting to the Netflix special interview
Thumbnail for "Oprah Opens a School w/ Elizabeth Todd Breland".
Why not Chicago?
Thumbnail for "Oprah Loves Toni Morrison w/ Dennis Tyler".
Two American icons forge a deep bond
Thumbnail for "Oprah And The LA Riots w/ Elizabeth Hinton".
Oprah Winfrey goes to LA in the midst of an uprising
Thumbnail for "Oprah Goes Vegan".
Oprah and her staff take the vegan challenge
Thumbnail for "Oprah 101: Why Oprah Matters".
Your introduction to Oprah
Thumbnail for "Presenting You Get A Podcast! (The Study of The Queen of Talk)".
We're taking you back to weekdays at 4pm!

Oprah and The Donald w/ Christina Greer

Thumbnail for "Oprah and The Donald w/ Christina Greer".
June 1, 202244min 39sec

Donald Trump appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show eight times, with Oprah touting him as a model American success story. He also used the show to tease his political ambitions, with little pushback on his racism and misogyny. Their relationship reveals a lot about how Trump built his brand, how different audiences viewed his story — and ultimately how he forged a path to the presidency.

Special guest: Christina Greer of Fordham and the podcast FAQ NYC.

Find lots more and subscribe to our newsletter on our website — Oprahdemics.com

Producer Nina Earnest, Executive Producer Jody Avirgan. Artwork by Jonathan Conda.

Oprahdemics is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX.

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If you want to support the show directly, you can do so on our website: Oprahdemics.com

Thumbnail for "Oprah and The Donald w/ Christina Greer".
Oprah and The Donald w/ Christina Greer