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National Air and Space Museum

We see the connections to aviation and space in literally everything. From our favorite movies and the songs in our playlists to the latest news of space exploration and your commercial flight home for the holidays – aerospace is literally everywhere you look. Twice a month our hosts riff on some of the coolest stories of aviation and space history, news, and culture. We promise, whether you’re an AVGeek, wannabe Space Camper, or none of the above, you’ll find not only a connection to your life but you’ll learn something interesting in the process.

We see the connections to aviation and space in literally everything. From our favorite movies and the songs in our playlists to the latest news of space exploration and your commercial flight home for the holidays – aerospace is literally everywhere you look. Twice a month our hosts riff on some of the coolest stories of aviation and space history, news, and culture. We promise, whether you’re an AVGeek, wannabe Space Camper, or none of the above, you’ll find not only a connection to your life but you’ll learn something interesting in the process.

A Picture's Worth 1000 Words

Thumbnail for "A Picture's Worth 1000 Words ".
January 12, 202335min 42sec

We’ve all seen the breathtaking Hubble and JWST images of our universe, but have you ever wondered how these pictures are made? If you were to travel to the “Cosmic Cliffs” of the Carina Nebula or the “Pillars of Creation” of the Eagle Nebula, your eyes wouldn’t see the beautiful colors and patterns displayed in these popular images. But, that doesn’t make these pictures any less real.  In today’s episode we explain how image processors take invisible (to us) light and data from space telescopes and translate it into something that's better than what our naked eyes can see. And we discuss how these images are made even more accessible through detailed alt-text, 3D printing, and sonification.

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