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A sea captain barges into the office of a shipping merchant, dragging in a barrel of water. He’s here on business, with a humble proposition. He opens the lid and reveals a newt.

Inspired by the work of Czech science fiction pioneer Karel Čapek, Newts! chronicles an alternate history of the 20th Century in which the western world discovers, exploits, educates, arms, and is ultimately overthrown by a species of highly intelligent amphibians. It’s a farcical yet deadly serious tale about self-interest and the nature of humanity, told as a six part audio drama with original music.


A sea captain barges into the office of a shipping merchant, dragging in a barrel of water. He’s here on business, with a humble proposition. He opens the lid and reveals a newt.

Inspired by the work of Czech science fiction pioneer Karel Čapek, Newts! chronicles an alternate history of the 20th Century in which the western world discovers, exploits, educates, arms, and is ultimately overthrown by a species of highly intelligent amphibians. It’s a farcical yet deadly serious tale about self-interest and the nature of humanity, told as a six part audio drama with original music.

2hr 52min
Thumbnail for "Trailer: "Newts!"".
An audio drama with original music, inspired by the pioneering science fiction of Karel Čapek
Thumbnail for "Episode 6: The Ladder of Civilization".
As earthquakes and floods shake the globe, humanity comes together in tragedy. But the peace is short lived, after a mysterious leader emerges from the sea, claiming responsibility. Will this leader negotiate – and can humanity overcome their own differences in order to save the species? All this and more in the exciting conclusion to Newts!
Thumbnail for "Episode 5: The Day the Earth Shook, Again".
The world is on the brink, as countries race to arm their newts for aquatic warfare. The British Prime Minister resigns in scandal, but his unlikely replacement is soon tested by Germany’s ‘Uber Newt’ – and the simmering stand-off prompts a worldwide debate about the future of human-newt relations.
Thumbnail for "Episode 4: Channel Surfing".
The newts go global: moving into rivers, inlets, bays – and also into politics, music, religion, romance, sports, cartoons and more. For a brief moment, we enjoy the absurdity of it all – but how long can the party last?
Thumbnail for "Episode 3: The Newt Talks".
The first newt in captivity languishes at the London Zoo – until a lowly janitor accidentally teaches it to talk. Meanwhile, Mr. Bondy schemes to exploit the newts' newfound skills and popularity, but finds his biggest obstacle is his own business partner: Captain Van Toch.
Thumbnail for "Episode 2: Lovers on Pearl Island".
Van Toch’s newts spread across the Pacific, harvesting pearls for Mr. Bondy in secret. But their cover is blown when a vacationing Hollywood starlet encounters a newt on a remote island – and turns her chance encounter into an epic adventure fit for the silver screen.
Thumbnail for "Episode 1: That Ain’t No Devil".
Where to begin the story of the end of humanity? Maybe somewhere in the East Indies, where Captain Van Toch falls in love with a species of three foot tall newts. They’re slimy, smart – and starving. Determined to save his newfound children, Van Toch seeks help from an old acquaintance, hoping that a childhood grudge won’t spoil his plans.

Trailer: "Newts!"

Thumbnail for "Trailer: "Newts!"".
May 31, 20222min 26sec

Inspired by the work of Czech science fiction pioneer Karel Čapek, Newts! chronicles an alternate history of the 20th Century in which the western world discovers, exploits, educates, arms, and is ultimately overthrown by a species of highly intelligent amphibians. It’s a farcical yet deadly serious tale about self-interest and the nature of humanity, told in six parts and with original music.