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Radiotopia Plus


Radiotopia Plus, hosted by Managing Producer Audrey Mardavich, takes you behind the scenes with some of your favorite Radiotopia hosts and producers. You’ll get to know more about the people behind the mic, and have access to special audio treats, show previews and more.

Radiotopia Plus, hosted by Managing Producer Audrey Mardavich, takes you behind the scenes with some of your favorite Radiotopia hosts and producers. You’ll get to know more about the people behind the mic, and have access to special audio treats, show previews and more.

3hr 13min
Thumbnail for "First Memories".
The Radiotopians recount their very first memories.
Thumbnail for "Penny for Your Thoughts".
Get answers to Phoebe Judge's two truths and a lie, and then tell us what you want to hear.
Thumbnail for "Teacher Appreciation Month".
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Month, we asked the Radiotopians to tell us about educators who changed their lives.
Thumbnail for "Best Thing on TV".
This month we asked producers: what’s the best thing on TV right now?
Thumbnail for "Road Trip Playlists".
The Radiotopians welcome Over the Road to the network by giving us their perfect road trip playlist.
Thumbnail for "Secrets".
We’re sharing a super secret preview of THREE big projects Radiotopia has cooking for early 2020 and beyond.
Thumbnail for "Hotline".
We’re opening up a phone line for you to leave your burning questions for the Radiotopians, which may get answered on a future episode of Plus.
Thumbnail for "Learn/Do".
The Radiotopians share one thing they've always wanted to learn or do.
Thumbnail for "Childhood Dream Jobs".
The Radiotopians welcome Adult ISH to the network by talking about their childhood dream jobs.
Thumbnail for "Pets".
The Radiotopians talk about their pets.
Thumbnail for "Museums and Cultural Activities".
The Radiotopians share their favorite museums and cultural activities.
Thumbnail for "Outdoor Activities".
It's spring! We asked the Topes about their favorite outdoor activities.
Thumbnail for "Guilty Pleasures".
We ask the Radiotopians about their guilty pleasures.
Thumbnail for "Dream Birthdays".
In honor of our 5th birthday, the Radiotopians dream up their perfect birthday celebrations.
Thumbnail for "Resolutions".
The Radiotopians share their New Year's resolutions.
Thumbnail for "Favorite Audio Moments of 2018".
We asked the Radiotopians about some of their favorite audio moments of 2018.
Thumbnail for "Happy Halloween! ".
The Radiotopians share their favorite Halloween memories.
Thumbnail for "Talents".
Discover the hidden and/or useless talents of your favorite Radiotopians.
Thumbnail for "Inspiration ".
The Radiotopians tell us about where they find creative inspiration.
Thumbnail for "Restaurants".
We ask the Radiotopians about what kind of restaurant they would open.
Thumbnail for "Advice".
The Radiotopians share some of the best advice they've received over the years.
Thumbnail for "*Sneak Listen* Three New Radiotopia Shows".
We're launching three new shows...
Thumbnail for "Movies".
Your hosts tell us about their favorite movie-going experiences.
Thumbnail for "Favorite Song".
We ask the Radiotopians about their favorite songs.
Thumbnail for "Happy 4th Birthday, Radiotopia!".
Our hosts wish Radiotopia a very happy 4th birthday.
Thumbnail for "Tombstones".
The Radiotopia producers suggest what will be written on their tombstones someday.
Thumbnail for "New Shows".
Radiotopians answer the question: "If you were to start a new show, what would it be about?"
Thumbnail for "Favorite Books".
Hear our producers recommend their favorite books. Add these to your reading lists!
Thumbnail for "Animals".
In this episode, our producers reveal: if your podcast were an animal, which would it be?
Thumbnail for "Snacks".
Our producers discuss their favorite snacks and drinks for late-night editing.
Thumbnail for "Other Episodes".
Radiotopia producers tackle the question: "What's a story you've always wanted to produce, but haven't yet?"
Thumbnail for "Importance of Audio".
A montage of Radiotopia producers responding to the question: "When was a specific time that audio was important to you?"

First Memories

Thumbnail for "First Memories".
October 23, 20197min 24sec

This month, we’re leaning into the reflective nature of the fall, and we’ve asked the Radiotopia producers to tell us about their very first memories.

In this episode, you’ll hear: Ian Chillag of Everything is Alive; Nikki Silva of The Kitchen Sisters Present; Joe Richman of Radio Diaries; Helen Zaltzman of The Allusionist; Benjamen Walker of Benjamen Walker’s Theory of Everything; Phoebe Judge and Lauren Spohrer of Criminal and This is Love; Roman Mars of 99% Invisible and What Trump Can Teach Us About Con Law; Davia Nelson of The Kitchen Sisters Present; Merk Nguyen and Nyge Turner of Adult ISH; Manoush Zomorodi of ZigZag; and Dave Nadelberg of The Mortified Podcast.

And, don’t forget to grab yourself a Radiotopia hoodie or camping mug from our merch store!