A show designed to get you thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, making art. Normally, creators of Welcome to Night Vale Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink are the ones turning their ideas into stories. But for this podcast, it’s you who will do the writing, one short and simple assignment at a time. Because the best way to start writing is to start writing.
A show designed to get you thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, making art. Normally, creators of Welcome to Night Vale Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink are the ones turning their ideas into stories. But for this podcast, it’s you who will do the writing, one short and simple assignment at a time. Because the best way to start writing is to start writing.
There will always be something to improve about your writing, but you can’t revise forever. We talk about developing processes so you know what to improve, how to improve it, and when to finish punching up your piece.
Consume: Read “The Lifespan of a Fact” by Jim Fingal and John D'Agata
Create: Write 100 words of a story, incorporating a randomly generated phrase into the first sentence. Use another random phrase in your next 100 words. Finally, use one last random phrase in the last sentence of your story. Now go through and punch up your 200 word story, deleting those generated phrases and replacing them with words of your own.
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See Start With This live in Boston on October 20. Tickets on sale now:
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Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Julia Melfi (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo).
Theme written by Joseph Fink. Currently performed by listener Mike Lynch. If you'd like your own cover of the theme song featured on this show, email us at startwiththis@nightvalepresents.com or share it in our membership community.
Produced by Night Vale Presents.