Got a question about New Hampshire? Whether you’re a lifelong Granite Stater or a transplant just settling in, chances are, you've got a question about makes the Granite State the, well, Granite State. You ask, we answer. That's the idea behind Second Greatest Show On Earth.
Got a question about New Hampshire? Whether you’re a lifelong Granite Stater or a transplant just settling in, chances are, you've got a question about makes the Granite State the, well, Granite State. You ask, we answer. That's the idea behind Second Greatest Show On Earth.
The "New Hampshire Advantage" is part of the state's branding. It’s the idea that New Hampshire offers a strong business climate, partly due to its low taxes.
But why is this such a tenet of the state’s philosophy? Why is New Hampshire so very against a state income tax?
This story was originally published in 2018 for the NHPR program Word of Mouth.