Got a question about New Hampshire? Whether you’re a lifelong Granite Stater or a transplant just settling in, chances are, you've got a question about makes the Granite State the, well, Granite State. You ask, we answer. That's the idea behind Second Greatest Show On Earth.
Got a question about New Hampshire? Whether you’re a lifelong Granite Stater or a transplant just settling in, chances are, you've got a question about makes the Granite State the, well, Granite State. You ask, we answer. That's the idea behind Second Greatest Show On Earth.
Every great mystery begins with a first clue. For listener Hannah Robinson it was a series of letters in the mail…. letters from the AARP.
But Robinson is just 37 years old; she’s decades away from retirement. She did have a stroke just a few months before the letters starting arriving. So she wondered: Did AARP somehow find out that she had a stroke? Were they using her medical data to sell her a membership? Or is this just a coincidence?
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