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We Got You

Sonic Union and TRAX from PRX

We Got You is a podcast that gives a voice to every kid out there who doesn’t have anyone to go to, with advice straight from teens who've been there before. Doesn't feel right to start a big conversation with your friends? Not the right time to take it to your older siblings or parents? We got you.

Hosted by Samantha Logan (Netflix's 13 Reasons Why; Netflix’s All American, Freeform's The Fosters), We Got You is a weekly advice podcast where teens answer the biggest questions from middle schoolers across the country on life, loneliness and an uncertain future. Don’t sleep on the ultimate coming of age companion for navigating the chaos of the 21st Century. Listen, subscribe and survive today.

We Got You is a production of Sonic Union for TRAX with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Find out more at www.wegotyoushow.com

We Got You is a podcast that gives a voice to every kid out there who doesn’t have anyone to go to, with advice straight from teens who've been there before. Doesn't feel right to start a big conversation with your friends? Not the right time to take it to your older siblings or parents? We got you.

Hosted by Samantha Logan (Netflix's 13 Reasons Why; Netflix’s All American, Freeform's The Fosters), We Got You is a weekly advice podcast where teens answer the biggest questions from middle schoolers across the country on life, loneliness and an uncertain future. Don’t sleep on the ultimate coming of age companion for navigating the chaos of the 21st Century. Listen, subscribe and survive today.

We Got You is a production of Sonic Union for TRAX with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Find out more at www.wegotyoushow.com

7hr 31min
Thumbnail for "You Are Not Alone".
Today we’re talking to the friends of Dylan Buckner, a teen who was suffering in silence and took his own life. These 6 young men chose to honor the death of their friend by creating an organization for other teens and pre-teens who may be suffering like him. Never Alone at North is an organization which normalizes asking for help, creates a community through mentorship, and provides a system of camaraderie and check-ins, regardless of schools being open or closed. Here is their story.
Thumbnail for "Sam's Story".
It’s our season finale! We can’t believe we finally made it here. One question we asked every participant on the show this season was especially important for us. Why? To help you. That question was: What would you tell your younger self? Today we’re hearing the story of our awesome host, Samantha Logan. Let’s hear what she would say.
Thumbnail for "Series Recap".
Friendship, Bullying, Anxiety, Divorce, Depression. But more importantly - getting over that, getting through it, finding courage, knowing who you are, understanding those who have your back and those that you can talk to. Those just some of the things we have talked about on this show. We thought it would be fun to hear from some of our participants from this past season, to remind us of how far we have come, and a little of what they have learned in sharing with you.
Thumbnail for "Bassie - It's Like My Second Name".
Using someone’s correct pronouns is as important to them as using their own name. That’s why it’s a big deal. Recognition is as, if not more, important than support as an ally for the LGBT+ community. This week’s guest is 15 year old Bassie. Bassie came out as non-binary at the age of 14. And even then, they knew who they were. This is their journey.
Thumbnail for " Lauren - Navigating Divorced Parents".
Whether or not your parents are together, you probably know someone whose parents are divorced. Today we talk to Lauren, a 15 year old who really has never known her parents being together. Although that was confusing at times, she found that through expressing her feelings to her both parents, no matter how hard, she stopped feeling so stuck in the middle.
Thumbnail for "Jaylin - Have Patience for a Better Day".
It’s no accident that 18 Year old Jaylin became the Big Brothers Big Sisters Youth of The Year Award winner for 2020. A kid has a lot to deal with growing up, but when one has lost both parents just a few years apart before the age of 9, there is far more to navigate. Hear Jaylin talk about how despite his trauma, he held on to hope.
Thumbnail for "Jazmine - Depression is OK to Discuss".
We all feel sad sometimes. It’s completely normal to have good and bad days. But having a bad day, and having multiple bad days in a row where you can’t shake the sadness or stop the crying, are very different things. Today we talk to Jazmine who went through a period of pretty bad depression. She couldn’t shake this sad feeling so, she wasn’t quite sure what was happening to her, or why - until she had a complete breakdown at school. Let’s hear her story.
Thumbnail for "Beck - Making Friends is Easy".
Throughout your life you are always going to be meeting new people. Sometimes you’re able to connect instantly, other times it can be super awkward, especially when you don’t know anyone. When he was 13, Beck went on a volunteer trip. Not only did he not know anyone, but he was the youngest person there. That can be so intimidating! Would he make friends? Or would the trip be the loneliest experience of his life? Let’s hear how he came through.
Thumbnail for "Melissa - My Estranged Father Gave Me Strength".
Let’s take another look at families. Last week we spoke about divorce, what it’s like for a parent to not be present in a kid’s life at all, and how that feels. This week we are going to talk about what it’s like when a parent is present, but maybe that presence is inconsistent. Melissa is 16 years old. Her parents separated when she was barely 5. She lived mainly with her mother, and although her father was present in her life, it was never consistent. Today, she talks about how that affected her, and what she learned in the process.
Thumbnail for "Taylar - Growing Up Without A Parent".
Families can look very different. Some kids have two parents and some kids have one. Sometimes parents are together, or they can be divorced. Some parents may not be around often, or at all. This may make kids feel left out, excluded, or even ridiculed. Do those feelings ever change? 16 year old Taylar’s parents divorced when she was really young, and having her Dad missing from school events was super hard on her. Today, she talks about what that felt like when she was in middle school, and how she feels about it all now.
Thumbnail for "Asha - ADHD is a Superpower".
When she was younger, 14 year old Asha was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). It’s pretty common amongst students , but when you’re first diagnosed it can feel like you are the only person in the world who has it. You may feel like it’s something you don’t want other people to find out about. How will they react? Asha had those same feelings, but in 6th grade, she bravely told her entire class that she had ADHD, and it wasn’t nearly as scary as she thought it might be. She talks to us today about understanding that what makes her different, gives her a superpower.
Thumbnail for "Teen - A Way Out of Suicide".
Listener discretion is advised, as this episode may be triggering if you have suffered from depression. 1 in 8 kids in the US have reported at least one major depressive episode in the past year.  More importantly, the rates of suicide among young people has jumped nearly 60% since 2007. Today’s guest, a 17 year old teen, suffered major depression after her school crush attempted suicide. Those feelings can feel overwhelming and all consuming. Our guest speaks about the battles she faced with understanding the powerful emotions she felt, and most importantly, how she understood those emotions should not overpower her.
Thumbnail for "Haerin - Do Not Diminish Yourself To Fit In".
Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, a lot of us are heading back to school and back to our friends. Whether you’re heading to school in person or logging back in to Zoom, there are still feelings of wanting to fit in, especially if you haven’t seen your friends in a while. We’ve all wanted to feel accepted and included. Have you ever wanted that so much that you were willing to change something about yourself to get people to like you? Haerin’s been there. She knows about doing whatever it is you can, including dismissing your culture, in order to fit in. Let’s hear her story and how she learned to accept herself for who she is.
Thumbnail for "Taila - My Panic Attacks Won’t Hurt Me".
We’ve talked a lot about anxiety and stress, and for good reason! So many kids deal with all sorts of anxious feelings which take on so many different forms. It’s hard to know what exactly might set off an anxiety attack and how it will make you feel. Sometimes it can make you feel sick or weird and it can be really scary. Is this what anxiety feels like? Is it a normal feeling? Yes! Taila totally gets it. When she was graduating 8th grade, she had a panic attack, and those can be intense. She talks about what led to her panic attack and what she did to feel better.
Thumbnail for "Tatiana - The Year I Spent Alone".
Your support system is so important. Whether they are your family, friends, or a teacher, the adults in your life are encouraging you to get through whatever you may be struggling with. What would happen if you didn’t have that support system? When she was 13, Tatiana had to suddenly pick up and leave her home in the British Virgin Islands after a catastrophic storm, to go to school in New York. She was away from her parents, her friends, and her entire life as she knew it, was gone in an instant. Let’s hear how she dealt with being away from her parents and what she learned.
Thumbnail for "Isabella - Standing Up for Yourself".
Growing up, we’re taught to stand up for what you believe in. Shouldn’t be too hard, right? But what if it goes against what all your friends are doing? What if it goes against what your teacher and your school is doing? When she was younger, Isabella was faced with a tough choice. Take part in an annual school project that went against her Native American culture, or speak up about the truth and go against her school. Today we’ll hear how she learned to stand up for what’s right and be true to who you are.
Thumbnail for "Jayla - Overcoming My Anxiety".
There are lots of different things that can cause anxiety. There are also lots of ways to deal with anxiety. But what if dealing with it leads to the start of a bad habit? What if you start that habit and can’t stop? Jayla developed an anxiety disorder from trauma that happened to her in middle school. To deal with it, she picked up a bad habit that was difficult to overcome. We’ll talk to Jayla about how she overcame her disorder and found her own worth in the process.
Thumbnail for "Max - Starting a New School, Again".
What happens when your first day of school is in a new city? How about a new country? Max is 14 years old and has changed schools, even sometimes by choice which has taken him far from home, away from his family and friends. It's tough and emotional, but for Max, support was just a phone call away.
Thumbnail for "Maya - Negotiating Conflict is Good".
Fighting with a friend is the worst. Sometimes you work it out quickly. Other times, though conversations are a little tricky to handle. Maya, a 13 year old teen, knows that feeling. After an uncomfortable conversation with a friend, Maya knew she had to do something, but wasn't sure what the right move was. We'll see how she learned about ways to work through conflict.
Thumbnail for "Shaequeen - Love on Social Media".
We love love. We also love social media. For 18 year old Shaequeen, however, mixing the two was not something to love. Breakups can be messy and it's easy to want to hurt someone as badly as you've been hurt. Love is a battlefield, but like Shaequeen came to learn, you've got to stand your ground.
Thumbnail for "Kobie - Is Anxiety Normal?".
Anxiety can be a scary word. It can bring up so many feelings that you don't totally understand. Kobie knows that all too well. When Kobie was younger, she didn't know she wasn't ok because, well, she was supposed to be ok. But maybe something was actually wrong. In this episode we discusses how anxiety feels, how scary it can be to talk about it, and what happens once you do. Maybe it's ok to not be ok.
Thumbnail for "Walker - No One Looks Like Me".
Walker moved a lot growing up, and during his time at different schools, experienced racism. More importantly, he talks about how that idea affected him and how he felt about himself in the world around him. In this episode, we hear Walker speak about how he handled the confrontations, and what he learned in the process.
Thumbnail for "Twins - Bullying Hurts".
“Bully,” it’s a term that takes all sorts of shapes now. Whether you have been bullied or only witnessed it, it exists in every school. It can happen on the school bus or on social media. A bully can be someone you don't really know, or even a friend. Today, we talk to 13 year old twins who went to two different schools and experienced bullying in two different ways. Here's what happened.
Thumbnail for "Hailey - I Can Do Dyslexia".
It can feel bad to feel different. You don't want to stand out or change things up. You just want to be like everyone else. Normal. When she was younger, 14 year old Hailey wanted to feel normal, but her parents were keeping her dyslexia a secret from her. When they finally told her, everything changed. Today, Hailey talks about feeling different and how she overcame the obstacles she faced.
Thumbnail for "WE GOT YOU - SERIES TRAILER".
Too scared to start a big conversation with your friends, older siblings or parents? We’ve been there, we got you.

You Are Not Alone

Thumbnail for "You Are Not Alone".
March 16, 202125min 15sec

Today we’re talking to the friends of Dylan Buckner, a teen who was suffering in silence and took his own life. These 6 young men chose to honor the death of their friend by creating an organization for other teens and pre-teens who may be suffering like him. Never Alone at North is an organization which normalizes asking for help, creates a community through mentorship, and provides a system of camaraderie and check-ins, regardless of schools being open or closed. Here is their story.

We Got You is a podcast that gives a voice to every kid out there who doesn’t have anyone to go to, with advice straight from teens who've been there before. Doesn't feel right to start a big conversation with your friends? Not the right time to take it to your older siblings or parents? We got you.

Hosted by Samantha Logan (Netflix's 13 Reasons Why; Netflix’s All American, Freeform's The Fosters), We Got You is a weekly advice podcast where teens answer the biggest questions from middle schoolers across the country on life, loneliness and an uncertain future. Don’t sleep on the ultimate coming of age companion for navigating the chaos of the 21st Century. Listen, subscribe and survive today.

We Got You is a production of Sonic Union for TRAX with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Find out more at www.wegotyoushow.com

Thumbnail for "You Are Not Alone".
You Are Not Alone