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That's Totally Normal!

Seeker and TRAX from PRX

As soon as we’re born our bodies are constantly growing, changing, breaking and at times, confusing us. And the biggest changes, growths and confusions seem to come when we’re young, vulnerable and easily embarrassed. Yes, we’re talking about puberty. And yes, it sometimes can be hard to talk about. But, it doesn’t need to be. This podcast will give young people a chance to put on some headphones and learn on their own as we break down the biology, chemistry and health topics of growing, changing and going up.

As soon as we’re born our bodies are constantly growing, changing, breaking and at times, confusing us. And the biggest changes, growths and confusions seem to come when we’re young, vulnerable and easily embarrassed. Yes, we’re talking about puberty. And yes, it sometimes can be hard to talk about. But, it doesn’t need to be. This podcast will give young people a chance to put on some headphones and learn on their own as we break down the biology, chemistry and health topics of growing, changing and going up.

4hr 14min
Thumbnail for "Changing Relationships".
In this episode we break down why relationships change so much during puberty, and examine all the different types of relationships we may encounter.
Thumbnail for "Sexually-transmitted infections and HPV".
As a developing young person, you deserve to know what may lie ahead and also understand ways that you can protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted infections and HPV.
Thumbnail for "Sex and Consent".
On this episode we discuss sex and consent because, just like puberty, sexual activity operates on different timelines for different people -- and that’s totally normal!
Thumbnail for "Sexual Orientation".
On this episode we dig deep into what sexual orientation is, and explain why puberty is the time when someone first explores sexual orientation.
Thumbnail for "Sexual Attraction".
Developing crushes and sexual attraction is a totally normal part of puberty, and on this episode, we dig into what sexual attraction means, and what’s happening in our bodies to make us feel that way.
Thumbnail for "Masturbation ".
So this episode...might feel a little awkward for some listeners. I’m going to address all parts of self-pleasure that are natural and healthy and why these urges seem to arise during puberty
Thumbnail for "What’s up with my vaginal discharge?".
Vaginal discharge is TOTALLY NORMAL. I know we haven’t always talked about it as a major part of puberty, but it is a MAJOR part of having a vagina. Why? Tune in to find out!
Thumbnail for "Voice Changes".
Tune in to this week’s episode to learn why voice changes happen, and why they are totally normal!
Thumbnail for "Growth Spurts, Stretch Marks and Cellulite".
On this episode…growth spurts and the skin changes that go along with them.
Thumbnail for "The Importance of Sleep".
On this episode…sleep!
Thumbnail for "Where is my period, and when will it be regular?".
This week, we talk all about the basics of periods, and an interview with a special guest!
Thumbnail for "The Erection Episode".
On this episode…erections, semen and wet dreams.
Thumbnail for "Why do my Boobs hurt? And other questions all about Breasts".
Tune in to learn all about boobs, nipples, and more!
Thumbnail for "Acne".
That’s right. A whole episode on zits, pimples, comedones, acne, and bacne
Thumbnail for "Why Do I Smell?".
Tune into this episode to find out why we have body odor, and what we can do keep it under control.
Thumbnail for "Happy Holidays From Dr. T and That's Totally Normal!".
Happy Holidays From Dr. T and That's Totally Normal!
Thumbnail for "Mental Health".
On this episode we’ll be talking about the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of mental health.
Thumbnail for "Hair Down Where?".
Let’s face it, body hair is one of the weirder parts of puberty. Periods, testicle enlargement and growth spurts all make sense...but body hair? Why?
Thumbnail for "Body Image".
In this episode we talk about all things body image from symmetrical faces, to big boobs, to slender females and muscular males, we uncover all the reasons why body image is such a big part of puberty.
Thumbnail for "What is Gender Identity? ".
Gender Identity can be a confusing topic, so let's talk about exactly what gender identity is!
Thumbnail for "Female Puberty".
Breasts, periods, pubic hair…all milestones on the beautiful path toward adulthood!
Thumbnail for "Male Puberty".
Testicle and penis growth, body hair, growth spurts, voices cracking…all condensed into one tiny podcast.
Thumbnail for "What Is Puberty?".
Let's talk about the basics of puberty, but without any of the awkwardness!
Thumbnail for "That's Totally Normal Trailer".
A new podcast from Seeker that breaks down the science of what is happening in your body during puberty!

Changing Relationships

Thumbnail for "Changing Relationships".
March 17, 202110min 52sec

As if body changes aren’t enough to deal with, relationships (and I’m not just talking romantic ones) generally undergo some major adjustments during puberty. These relationship changes may be exciting, uncomfortable or stressful, but they all tend to follow a fairly predictable pattern. In this episode we break down why relationships change so much during puberty, and examine all the different types of relationships we may encounter.

Thumbnail for "Changing Relationships".
Changing Relationships