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Music Blocks

Colorado Public Radio

A music appreciation podcast about the building blocks that make up your favorite sounds. Music Blocks explores how songwriters and composers use sound to express their emotions and share their experiences. Each episode runs about 5 minutes to fit easily into family time, classroom discussion or your podcast queue. Hosted by Luis Antonio Perez and Rebekah Romberg, the show spans genres, cultures and eras to inspire listeners to explore music more deeply. Music Blocks was developed with middle and high schoolers in mind, but it's fun for listeners of any age.

Winner of the 2022 Best Podcast for Kids prize at The Ambies, aka The Awards for Excellence in Audio.

Music Blocks is a production of Colorado Public Radio's Audio Innovations Studio with help from music educators.

Colorado Public Radio

A music appreciation podcast about the building blocks that make up your favorite sounds. Music Blocks explores how songwriters and composers use sound to express their emotions and share their experiences. Each episode runs about 5 minutes to fit easily into family time, classroom discussion or your podcast queue. Hosted by Luis Antonio Perez and Rebekah Romberg, the show spans genres, cultures and eras to inspire listeners to explore music more deeply. Music Blocks was developed with middle and high schoolers in mind, but it's fun for listeners of any age.

Winner of the 2022 Best Podcast for Kids prize at The Ambies, aka The Awards for Excellence in Audio.

Music Blocks is a production of Colorado Public Radio's Audio Innovations Studio with help from music educators.

Colorado Public Radio
2hr 33min
Thumbnail for "Say Hello to Music Blocks".
Music Blocks is a music appreciation podcast that spans genres, cultures and decades. It’s about human emotions and the sounds we use to express them.
Thumbnail for "Feeling Really Good".
It doesn’t get much better than feeling confident, triumphant and optimistic. Translating a really good feeling into music opens the door for lots of creativity.
Thumbnail for "Feeling Pretty Bad".
Sometimes a musical phrase or a single line of lyrics can unlock those bad feelings we’ve tried to hide. Music can be a powerful way to capture the mood when we feel anxious, chaotic or a little bit numb.
Thumbnail for "Ugh. The Sound of Disgust".
Disgust is a powerful emotion, but you might be surprised at the nuanced music it can inspire.
Thumbnail for "Surprise!".
Surprises can be wonderful or shocking, delightful or jarring. And when musicians find clever ways to surprise listeners, things get really interesting.
Thumbnail for "Sad, Sad Songs".
Grab a box of tissues. This episode of Music Blocks is about the powerful and inventive ways musicians take sadness and turn it into memorable music.
Thumbnail for "Grrr... Feeling Angry".
Angry music can feel potent, like a release of pressure for a singer or a musician. So how do musicians express anger in creative ways?
Thumbnail for "The Sound of Fear".
Fear is primal. It’s how we react to the unknown. And when composers and songwriters set out to make frightful music, it opens up a world of creative possibilities.
Thumbnail for "Happy (And You Know It!)".
Happiness is one of the most basic human emotions and a feeling composers often express through music. But what makes a piece of music sound joyful?
Thumbnail for "How To Use Music Blocks (For Educators and Parents)".
Music Blocks is a music appreciation podcast developed in consultation with music educators. Here’s how to get the most out of Music Blocks, in three steps.
Thumbnail for "We Love a Good Love Story!".
How artists use sounds to tell stories of romance, longing and unabashed adoration.
Thumbnail for "An Honest Day's Work".
How musicians use their songs to tell stories about work.
Thumbnail for "Welcome Home!".
Music is a powerful way to tell a story about the place you call home.
Thumbnail for "The Sound of Heartbreak *Sob*".
The clever techniques musicians use to share stories of heartache.
Thumbnail for "Ceremonies & Celebrations".
Music gives us a soundtrack for some of the most memorable moments in each of our stories, from graduation ceremonies to holiday celebrations.
Thumbnail for "Stand Up! Stories of Protest".
Telling a story through music is an especially powerful way to move a listener to action.
Thumbnail for "Gone But Not Forgotten".
How do musicians tell stories about death and grief?
Thumbnail for "Yes You Can! Stories of Empowerment".
A well-crafted song can tell a story that makes listeners feel confident, carefree or powerful.
Thumbnail for "In Season 2, Hear The Stories Of Our Lives".
Season 2 explores how musicians help us tell the stories of our lives. The fun begins on Aug. 16!
Thumbnail for "In Season 3, Meet Some Incredible Instruments (And Their Families!)".
We'll talk about your favorite sounds and the instruments that create them.
Thumbnail for "Strings And Things".
All around the world, musicians use stringed instruments to make music. The way musicians play these instruments creates beautiful and distinctive sounds.
Thumbnail for "Take a Deep Breath!".
Musicians who use the power of air breathe life into the music they play. They create beautiful and ear-catching melodies.
Thumbnail for "Drumroll Please!".
The spotlight is on membranophones! Membranophones make sound from the vibration of a tightly stretched material.
Thumbnail for "Good Vibrations".
Idiophones make sound from the vibrations of an instrument's body. A lot of the time, musicians whack them or shake them rhythmically.
Thumbnail for "Raise Your Voice!".
It’s all about the power and range of the human voice.
Thumbnail for "It's Electric!".
Electrophones, which use electricity to make sound, have changed music! The electrophone instrument family expands the range of musical colors in a composer's toolkit.

Drumroll Please!

Thumbnail for "Drumroll Please!".
October 3, 20237min 4sec

In this episode, the spotlight is on membranophones! Membranophones make sound from the vibration of a tightly stretched material. Think of drums that you strike to make a sound. But there are other cool membranophones. Let’s get to know more about these instruments and the musicians who bring us the beats, like The White Stripes, Bomba Con Buya and Ciara.

Stuff to think about after you’ve listened:

  • How does a membranophone contribute to a piece of music? What do you think makes composers or musical artists choose to include a membranophones in making music?

  • What membranophone do you want to learn how to play?

Ready to explore more beats and soundings of membranophones? Check out our playlists on Spotify or Apple Music.

This is one of six Music Blocks episodes exploring your favorite sounds and the instrument families that create them. You can listen in any order. Find more episodes, discussion questions and playlists at MusicBlocksPodcast.org.

Tell us how you're using Music Blocks in the classroom or at home, or share your playlists and music creations inspired by the podcast! Email us: Hello@MusicBlocksPodcast.org

Music Blocks is a production of Colorado Public Radio's Audio Innovations Studio.

Hosts: Rebekah Romberg and Luis Antonio Perez

Lead producer: Rebekah Romberg

Education Advisor: Carla Aguilar, Ph.D.

Additional editorial support: Emily Williams, Jo Erickson, Erin Jones, Kibwe Cooper

Editor & Executive Producer: Brad Turner

Thank you: Monika Vischer and Scott Clemens at CPR Classical, Willobee Carlan at Indie 102.3, Jodi Gersh, Clara Shelton, María Juliana Pinzón, Arielle Wilson, Kim Nguyen, Mia Rincón, Hart Van Denburg, Jon Pinnow, Doug Clifton and all the teachers, parents and students who listened and helped us develop this podcast.