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Transistor is podcast of scientific curiosities and current events, featuring guest hosts, scientists, and story-driven reporters. Presented by radio and podcast powerhouse PRX, with support from the Sloan Foundation.

Copyright 2016 PRX

Transistor is podcast of scientific curiosities and current events, featuring guest hosts, scientists, and story-driven reporters. Presented by radio and podcast powerhouse PRX, with support from the Sloan Foundation.

Copyright 2016 PRX
16hr 10min
Thumbnail for "Owning the Clouds".
The science of controlling the weather (or trying to).
Thumbnail for "No Inoculation without Representation!".
A tale of vaccinations and the American Revolution
Thumbnail for "Cosmic Ray Catchers".
Cosmic rays from outer space sound like science fiction. They’re not—invisible particles flung from outer space pass through our bodies every minute.
Thumbnail for "Three Letters on Broom Bridge".
Every October 16th, hundreds of people walk from the Dunsink Observatory to Broom Bridge to celebrate Ireland's greatest mathematician.
Thumbnail for "After A Flood".
In some areas of the country, floods are growing in intensity. What are we doing to prepare ourselves?
Thumbnail for "Bowl Tastes Delicious".
What if food itself is just a small part of our tasting experience?
Thumbnail for "Hurry Up and Listen".
Find a quiet place to listen to the science of soundscapes.
Thumbnail for "A Job for the Bee Team".
Come along as scientists get to the bottom of a killer pesticide.
Thumbnail for "An Ovarian Transplant Between Twins".
Thirty-six-year-old twins Carol and Katy are physically identical in every way but one: Katy was born without ovaries, and wanted to start a family.
Thumbnail for "Tick Tock Biological Clock".
The data used for the "fertility cliff" is old... really old! Come along as we find out why.
Thumbnail for "Spotting Fake Art -- with Math".
Math and art meet at the museum.
Thumbnail for "Engineering NYC from Below".
Head underground to hear how the first subways were built and how they are built today.
Thumbnail for "700 Fathoms Under the Sea".
Listen in on a channel deep in the ocean where sound travels for thousands of miles.
Thumbnail for "Sidedoor from the Smithsonian: Shake it Up".
An astronomer has turned the night sky into a symphony.
Thumbnail for "Sidedoor from the Smithsonian: Butting Heads".
Besties, enemies, or frenemies? The Smithsonian finds out.
Thumbnail for "Sidedoor from the Smithsonian: Masters of Disguise".
Scientific deception and trickery with the Smithsonian.
Thumbnail for "Dance: It’s Only Human".
Bronwyn Tarr with Carimbó dancers. Oxford evolutionary neuroscientist Bronwyn Tarr was in a remote area of Brazil to begin an experiment. On her first night there, she heard distant drumbeats, went looking for them,
Thumbnail for "The Words are a Jumble".
Don't judge the music by its composer.
Thumbnail for "The Art and Science of Polynesian Wayfinding".
Travel the Pacific Ocean without maps or instruments.
Thumbnail for "Remaking the Science Fair".
Schools are remaking science fairs to include more actual science.
Thumbnail for "Peeing in Your Pants… In Your 30s".
When you need diapers more than your kid.
Thumbnail for "The Ghost in the MP3".
What's lost when a song is compressed into an MP3?
Thumbnail for "Outside Podcast: Devil’s Highway, Part 2".
The science of surviving (or not) in the desert heat.
Thumbnail for "Outside Podcast: Devil’s Highway, Part 1".
Free trip to the desert. You may not return...
Thumbnail for "Outside Podcast: Struck by Lightning".
What life is really like after being struck by lightning.
Thumbnail for "Trace Elements: The Musical".
We humans are SO noisy. Birds are working around us.
Thumbnail for "Trace Elements: Mystery at the Lake".
An electric mystery.
Thumbnail for "Trace Elements: Upgrade".
Bio-hacking is so hot right now.
Thumbnail for "Outside Podcast: Frozen Alive".
Special episode from Outside Magazine and PRX: Frozen Alive.
Thumbnail for "Trace Elements: Fooled Ya".
Magic and robots meet.
Thumbnail for "Trace Elements: The Reset".
What if you were no longer afraid of... anything.
Thumbnail for "The Invention of the Home Pregnancy Test".
Science + graphic design. The invention of the home pregnancy test.
Thumbnail for "Rodney Learns to Fly".
“Biophilia” refers to the instinctive affection humans have for nature. This story is about one such connection.
Thumbnail for "Imagine All the People".
Casey is just four, but he already has an imaginary grandson.
Thumbnail for "Disease Detectives On the Case".
What's it take to be a CDC Disease Detective? Join two rookies as they find out.
Thumbnail for "Orbital Path: Must Be Aliens".
Why do aliens get all the credit for weird stuff in space?
Thumbnail for "Bluegrass…for Wolves?".
What kind of music do animals like?
Thumbnail for "All By Myself…Maybe".
“52 Hz” is the name given to a mysterious whale that vocalizes at a different frequency than other whales. Some refer to him as “The World’s Loneliest Whale,” but other scientists aren’t convinced that its unique call has left the whale isolated at all...
Thumbnail for "Nautilus special: “To Save California, Read Dune”".
The sci-fi epic "Dune" takes place on a desert planet. Can "Dune" offer lessons for the drought-stricken California of 2015?
Thumbnail for "The Indiana Jones of Math".
Join us for a math adventure. Just bring your thickest jacket.
Thumbnail for "Forensics in Flames".
Over the past 20 years, there’s been a revolution in the science of arson investigations. Many of the clues that had been used for decades to determine that a fire was not accidental have been proven to be false.
Thumbnail for "That Crime of the Month".
What happens if you commit a crime and blame it on PMS?
Thumbnail for "The Last of the Iron Lungs".
Step inside an archaic machine on the brink of extinction: the iron lung.
Thumbnail for "Where Math and Mime Meet".
Some things can be better left unsaid. Who would have thought that math could be one of them?
Thumbnail for "This is Crohn’s Disease".
Told by the couple who lived it, this is a story of how Crohn’s disease can change lives when you least expect it. And it’s a story of how science can present multiple paths to — hopefully — relief or recovery.
Thumbnail for "Finding the Elusive Digital Stradivarius".
Science and violin-making meet to try to create an electric violin that sounds like a Stradavarius.
Thumbnail for "Totally Cerebral: Exercise and Your Brain".
A story of movement, memory, and mentors.
Thumbnail for "Science’s Blind Spots".
What gender stereotypes get in the way of science?
Thumbnail for "Early Bloom".
When plant researcher David Rhoades found evidence that plants could communicate, it was a paradigm-shifting discovery. But it could not have come at a worse time.
Thumbnail for "The Next Generation of Galapagos Scientists".
What motivates young people to become scientists? Meet Maricruz Jaramillo and Samoa Asigau, two young women scientists from opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean, whose professional aspirations have taken them to the Galapagos Islands.
Thumbnail for "Totally Cerebral: What’s That Smell?".
Scents and tastes are powerfully evocative -- one whiff of perfume or cooking aromas can transport you back to a particular moment, a particular place, a particular person. Dr. Wendy Suzuki speaks with neuroscientist Howard Eichenbaum,
Thumbnail for "The Skinny on Your Skin".
Your skin is your largest organ and is also is a thriving ecosystem, covered in bacteria. While many of us consider regular showers key to keeping our skin healthy, a group of scientists -- and artists -- are starting to ask: Could the future of skin c...
Thumbnail for "The Ultimate Wayback Machine".
Looking through a telescope is like being inside a time machine -- you are seeing light from the past. And some space telescopes allow astronomers to see light that is billions of years old and existed before there was an Earth or sun.
Thumbnail for "The Poison Squad: A Chemist’s Quest for Pure Food".
In the fall of 1902, twelve young men in suits regularly gathered for dinners in the basement of a government building in Washington, D.C. The men ate what they were served, even though they knew that their food was spiked with poison.
Thumbnail for "Totally Cerebral: Think Pop Culture Gets Amnesia Right? Forgetaboutit!".
Many depictions of amnesia in TV, movies and even in cartoons are just plain wrong -- some laughably so. Host Dr. Wendy Suzuki talks with Prof. Neal Cohen, a Neuroscientist from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. For 20 years,
Thumbnail for "A Rainbow of Noise".
Everybody knows about white noise -- that sound that comes out of your TV when it's not working quite right. But there are many other colors of noise, too: pink, brown, blue, and purple. Marnie Chesterton brings us this story on the colorful science of...
Thumbnail for "The Straight Poop".
For one disease, poop -- yes, human poop -- is nothing short a miracle cure. Microbiologist Christina Agapakis takes a look at Fecal Microbiota Transplants or FMT and what happens when you take the really complex gut microbiome from a healthy person an...
Thumbnail for "Venus and Us: Two Stories of Climate Change".
Space scientists are acutely aware of what can happen when climates change in other parts of our solar system. Take Venus, where it rains sulfuric acid and is 900°F on the surface, but it wasn’t always that way.
Thumbnail for "Totally Cerebral: The Man Without a Memory".
Imagine remembering your childhood, your parents, the history you learned in school, but never being able to form a new long term memory after the age of 27. Welcome to the life of the famous amnesic patient “HM”.
Thumbnail for "Totally Cerebral: Untangling the Mystery of Memory".
In her episodes of Transistor, neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki introduces us to scientists who have uncovered some of the deepest secrets about how our brains make us who we are. She begins by talking with groundbreaking experimental psychologist Brenda M...
Thumbnail for "Food, Meet Fungus".
In her episodes of Transistor, biologist Christina Agapakis is exploring the microbiome: the trillions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in and on our body. She starts with food. Bacteria-rich foods such as tempeh, cheese,
Thumbnail for "We Are Stardust".
We're closer than ever before to discovering if we're not alone in the universe. The host for this episode of Transistor, astrophysicist Michelle Thaller, visits the NASA lab that discovered that meteorites contain some of the very same chemical elemen...

Owning the Clouds

Thumbnail for "Owning the Clouds".
April 28, 201710min 31sec

Humans have always been interested in controlling the weather. In the past we used raindances and sacrifices; today we turn to science. Cloud seeding is practiced all over the world, but there's still a lot we don't know about it. Delve into the surprising history, the controversial present, and the uncertain future of cloud seeding.