A podcast and video series that examines how America addresses violence, defines justice and seeks accountability through the journey of one man. Years after committing a horrific crime, Sterling Cunio fully faces the ripple effects of the harm he caused. Through the power of artistic expression and human connections and inspired by restorative justice principles, he forges a remarkable personal transformation while serving decades in prison.
This story is a poignant reminder that hope, healing, and redemption are never beyond reach, even in the darkest of places.
To see our companion video series and find out more about the show, go to our website at CellblockstoMountaintops.com
A podcast and video series that examines how America addresses violence, defines justice and seeks accountability through the journey of one man. Years after committing a horrific crime, Sterling Cunio fully faces the ripple effects of the harm he caused. Through the power of artistic expression and human connections and inspired by restorative justice principles, he forges a remarkable personal transformation while serving decades in prison.
This story is a poignant reminder that hope, healing, and redemption are never beyond reach, even in the darkest of places.
To see our companion video series and find out more about the show, go to our website at CellblockstoMountaintops.com
This episode is a video. If your podcast player does not support videos, please go to our website to watch: www.cellblockstomountaintops.com
See attorneys Aliza Kaplan and Ryan O’Connor delve into juvenile sentencing complexities, centering on Sterling’s case and his bid for freedom. They discuss the infamous “super predator scare” of the 1990s and advancements in understanding adolescent brain development as it relates to the law.
Listen to Podcast Episode 2, The Making of a “Superpredator”???, to hear how Sterling went from a loving home at age 12 to prison by age 16.