A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).
A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).
How many summers have you spent feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in your body? Maybe you don’t buy that two piece swimsuit, or maybe you skip the pool party. We spend months stressing, dieting, and taking extra spin classes in the hopes that THIS summer will be different. THIS summer, I’ll be confident. I’ll look the way I want to look. I’ll be ready.
Well, what if this summer we focus on feeling our best, not just looking our best? What if we could feel confident without being miserable for months in advance? What if we’ve been focusing on the wrong things this entire time and seeing a number on a scale is not actually what will make us happy this summer?
Tune in to our next season for a fresh look at “summer ready.”
Remember to head to our website for our show notes!
Follow us on Instagram @foodweneedtotalk.
Find Juna on Instagram @theofficialjuna, and @JunaGjata on YouTube and TikTok.