A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).
A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).
"I'll be happy when..." How many times have you found yourself saying that? It could be a goal income, a goal relationship, or a goal body, but the message is the same: I need to wait to get THIS thing before I can be happy. So what happens when you actually do get THAT thing—get that house, see that number on the scale, reach that income level? It turns out, not what you think. In this episode we talk to Professor Laurie Santos from Yale University and host of The Happiness Lab podcast about what really makes us happy and what actually matters. Get ready because whatever we think is the answer is often the furthest thing from it.
Take Laurie’s Class “The Science of Happiness”
Remember to head to our website for our show notes!
Follow us on Instagram @foodweneedtotalk.
Find Juna on Instagram @theofficialjuna, and @JunaGjata on YouTube and TikTok.