A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).
Copyright Food We Need to Talk LLC
A science-based, humor laced approach to health and fitness. With the help of top researchers from the health and wellness fields, Juna Gjata and Dr. Eddie Phillips break down the science behind good nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and more. Includes a generous helping of sarcasm (Juna), dad jokes (Eddie), and pristine sound design (our awesome producers).
Copyright Food We Need to Talk LLC
58hr 14min
An episode all about eating disorders.
Find the reason to exercise that gets you excited!
The importance of consistency over intensity.
Talking to Harvard sleep scientist Frank Scheer.
How to hack your sleep and have more energy.
What habits in our daily lives are disrupting our skin and gut barreir?
The environmental factors that are causing an increase in autoimmune disorders and allergies.
Do the new weight loss medications help with awareness and addiction?
What to do when you eat without being hungry.
Inflammation and obesity, olive oil, and nutritional kindness
Are superfoods a real thing?
We ask Kenji a bunch of cooking questions!
Cooking tips and tricks from a professional chef and food writer!
Getting some cooking advice from Sally Sampson!
How to get your kids to love to cook and eat healthy!
Answering your most asked questions!
Some insights from Dr. Walter Willett, the most cited nutritionist in the world.
Everything you need to know about cardio and why it's crucial for heatlh.
How the pandemic, drug companies, and social media have impacted rates of eating disorders.
What to do after a binge eating episode.
The incredible health impacts of close relationships.
Tackling the Beyond burger, Impossible meat, and all the other meat alternatives.
How much should we be watching our salt intake?
Find the reason to exercise that gets you excited!
The importance of consistency over intensity.
What we know about the science of goal-setting.
Are artificial sweeteners any "healthier" than sugar?
Answering some of our top listener questions!
The best ways to get in more fiber!
How your gut affects your mental and physical health.
Learning from a coach to the world's fittest people.
Getting deep with Eddie and Margaret Moore!
Perhaps our most "real" episode yet.
Menopause, menstruation, pregnancy, and why we don't know enough about any of it.
What does a "healthy" pregnancy look like?
Cooking advice from two non-cooks!
Everything you need to know about menopause.
If you take enough vitamins, can you eat whatever you want?
Everything you need to know about menstruation and your cycle!
How can we talk about food, exercise, and health with our kids?
How to enjoy the food that nourishes you more!
Use exercise to socialize and help your brain!
The mental health benefits of exercise
Debunking all the newest fitness fads to find out which are worth a try!
An in depth conversation with renowned exercise physiologist Andy Galpin
How we both approach meditation and Eddie's martial arts journey!
Our first ever live event and book signing!
A deep dive into our own mindful eating journeys!
For all the mindless eaters out there... let's make mindful eating easy.
How did food and exercise help or hurt during our own toughest times?
How your diet quality is impacting your mental health.
Food We Need to Talk... IN PERSON
How much, what kind, when, and why? Everything PROTEIN.
What actually will make us happy, and why is it so hard today?
We're back for another season!
Book preorder is on sale and an update about the upcoming season!
Does achieving your step goal actually make a difference?
Here's what we all agree on about nutrition.
When "being healthy" or a quick diet become dangerous.
Is processed food addictive?
It turns out that even a glass a day may not be "good" for anyone...
A happiness scientist on fulfillment, joy, and living a good life.
What's the deal with Ozempic?
Preorders are on sale now.
Caf, decaf, or no-caf?
Professor Eric Rimm on the health effects of alcohol.
Is sugar bad for us?
Professor Alexander Rozental and Martin Oscarsson on the making, keeping, and breaking of New Year’s Resolutions.
What's the deal with exercise from an anthropological perspective?
How to navigate this holiday season to make it the happiest season of all!
"Fat shaming" has real consequences for our health.
Professor John Speakman on the science behind calorie restriction.
You've got Q's, we've got A's!
Ruben Meerman, the "surfing scientist", on what happens to fat when we lose weight.
Which is better your health: cardio or lifting?
What's happening with our sleep?
It's back to school season! Today, a deep dive into staying healthy and happy in college.
We answer some questions from YOU, our listeners!
When does a focus on healthy eating and exercise go too far?
Is stress really all that bad?
Professor Wendy Wood shares tips on creating better habits.
Dr. Katharina Vester on the surprising effects of dieting trends throughout history.
The importance of practicing self-compassion.
Mediterranean, keto, paleo, low-fat, low-carb...what should we actually be eating?! Dr. Christopher Gardner weighs in.
What is NEAT and why does it matter?
What happens to the body post-diet? Guest Dr. Paul MacLean explains.
Get up to speed...on your metabolism!
What even is a calorie and do they really matter?!
Food, We Need To Talk season 2 is here!
From weight stigma to the "Health At Every Size" movement, Eddie and Juna dig into the complex issue of body image.
Eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia are relatively rare, but an estimated 14% to 22% of the American public experience disordered eating. It's a broad category that includes both eating disorders and other very real eating-related distress.
Eddie and Juna take a look at supplements, the largely unregulated substances that often promise magically easy solutions to complex, difficult problems.
Do yoga and pilates count as resistance training? And other listener questions about exercise.
As Eddie says, with a fudgsicle in hand, "They're right! Stress changes the types of food you crave!"
Eddie and Juna begin to answer some of the myriad questions that have come in from "Food, We Need To Talk" listeners.
"Genes load the gun, and the environment pulls the trigger" -- is one way to look at how much of weight is within our control.
When experts on nutrition and eating were asked for one top piece of advice for better health, all talked about exercise instead.
Possibly the very best thing you can do to help yourself eat better is ... not about choosing a particular type of food.
Among the scary insights that brain science can offer into junk foods: eating them tends to shift food preferences long-term -- at least, in mice.
Even children tend to refer to "good food" and "bad food." The "Food, We Need To Talk" co-hosts break down this idea.
The first episode of the podcast "Food, We Need To Talk" begins with the great dilemma: "You're doomed if you diet, doomed if you don't."
Listen to this trailer of WBUR's new podcast, "Food, We Need To Talk," to get a sense of its journey toward eating better and, most importantly, feeling better about it.
Misconceptions About Eating Disorders, Orthorexia, and More
February 5, 202435min 46sec
In today’s episode, we talk all things eating disorders with Dr. Evelyna Kambanis from Massachusetts General Hospital. How common are each of the eating disorders? What are some of the most common misconceptions surrounding them? What is orthorexia? How does social media affect EDs? And what are the best treatments? We cover all this and more on today’s episode in honor of the upcoming National Eating Disorders Awareness week.
To hear our bonus episode “You Binged, Now What?” click the link below:
For resources on eating disorders, including the eating disorders hotline and places to look for help, please check out the National Eating Disorders Association: