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Eons: Surviving Deep Time


Season 2 of the Eons podcast will be a longform exploration of a question we’re often asked in the comments section of our YouTube videos: how long could a human survive if they were dropped into a particular period of the geologic past?

PBS (2022)

Season 2 of the Eons podcast will be a longform exploration of a question we’re often asked in the comments section of our YouTube videos: how long could a human survive if they were dropped into a particular period of the geologic past?

PBS (2022)
15hr 2min
Thumbnail for "Will We Survive The Future? (with John Green!)".
Humans have become a force of nature, but will we survive ourselves?
Thumbnail for "Which Evolutionary Niche Does Humankind Occupy? (Mailbag Episode!)".
The Eons hosts answer your questions about deep time.
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive Living With Other Hominin Species?".
In the Early Pleistocene Epoch, other upright-walking hominins roamed the Earth. Could you survive living with other hominin species?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The Messinian Salinity Crisis?".
In the Late Miocene Epoch the Mediterranean Sea was blocked from the Atlantic Ocean and became a desert. Could you survive in that salty, desolate landscape?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The K-Pg Extinction?".
Could you make it through the darkest days of planet Earth?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive On Hateg Island?".
Could you survive the Late Cretaceous on Tiny-Dino Island?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The End-Triassic?".
The aftermath of the Great Dying resulted in the rise of a bunch of weird creatures and ended with another catastrophic extinction event.
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The Great Dying?".
Could you survive the volcanic event that wiped out most terrestrial and marine life at the end of the Permian Period?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The Carboniferous?".
The swamps of the Late Carboniferous Period teemed with giant insects and welcomed the first fully terrestrial vertebrates. Could you survive?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The End-Ordovician Extinction?".
The End-Ordovician Extinction was the first of the so-called ‘Big Five’ mass extinctions in the history of life on Earth - could you survive its aftermath?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The Cambrian Explosion?".
In a strange world before plants made their way onto land… could you survive?
Thumbnail for "Could You Survive The Devonian Period? (with Hank Green!)".
Our distant relative figured out how to survive 380 million years ago, can you?
Thumbnail for "Introducing Eons: Surviving Deep Time".
How long could a human survive if they were dropped into a particular period of the geologic past?
Thumbnail for "The Eons Podcast is returning!".
Thumbnail for "What Happened To The Neandertals?".
No one looks in the mirror today and sees a Neandertal looking back – and it’s pretty uncontroversial for us to say that Neandertals are extinct. But are they really gone?
Thumbnail for "Who Were The Denisovans?".
A discovery in a cave in the Altai Mountains reveals a mysterious branch of the human family tree: the Denisovans.
Thumbnail for "What Did The Past Sound Like?".
Using modern environments, living representatives of ancient groups, and fossil anatomy, paleontologists have attempted to reconstruct what the past sounded like.
Thumbnail for "The Lost Human Fossils of World War II".
Between 1927 and 1937, paleontologists excavated Homo erectus fossils from a site in China. And then World War II broke out and the fossils were lost.
Thumbnail for "Why Do We Care About What Happened Millions Of Years Ago? (Mailbag Episode with Hank Green)".
Hank Green joins Kallie, Michelle, and Blake for a special Q&A episode.
Thumbnail for "The Strange Graveyard At The Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry".
Fossils from predatory dinosaurs outnumber those of prey species 3-to-1 at the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry. Why?
Thumbnail for "The Extinct Human Species Discovered Deep Within A Cave System".
Deep in the Rising Star Cave system lies a mystery of paleoanthropology: a chamber filled with the bones of Homo naledi.
Thumbnail for "What Was The First Dinosaur?".
Exactly where and when dinosaurs first evolved are still open questions in paleontology; it’s hard to even say what the first dinosaur was.
Thumbnail for "The Case of the Most Famous Fake Human Fossil".
A whodunit detective story that spans more than a century - the saga of the Piltdown Man Hoax.
Thumbnail for "The Only Human In The La Brea Tar Pits".
La Brea Woman is the name given to the only human ever excavated from the La Brea Tar Pits, but how did she end up there?
Thumbnail for "Introducing Eons: Mysteries of Deep Time".
Dig into the past and explore the greatest mysteries of natural history.